I have worked in a variety of settings including schools, clinics, private offices, homes, and I have even conducted therapy sessions in restaurants. The people who I have had the privilege of working with cross all economic, racial, and cultural lines. I have seen children who were abused and placed in the foster care system. I have worked with adults struggling with painful relationships, and families who are feeling unable to manage a child with ongoing temper-tantrums. Throughout these years, I have learned an incredible amount about others’ suffering. At times the pain I have seen has threatened to overwhelm me, and I have left sessions crying and feeling hopeless. But then I remember that strength and hope can always be found if you know where to look. I refer back to the many joyous moments I have experienced in which relationships improve, families reunite, people gain control over their problems, and life fulfillment increases. I feel incredibly lucky to have witnessed some of the most powerful moments in people’s lives.
This blog is my way of sharing the experiences and insights I have gained through my interactions with people of various ages and backgrounds. In addition to all I have learned from my clients, I have been lucky to have had some fantastic supervisors and colleagues over the years who have helped me navigate this challenging profession. Through this blog, I seek to inspire other clinicians to continue their search for hope and life satisfaction with their own clients. I wish to share some of what I have learned about the way humans interact with themselves and others. My goal is also to continue maintaining a dialogue about mental health so as to stay open to various perspectives, and continue being helpful to my future clients. I recognize my knowledge as limited and know that everyone is the expert of their own lives. I encourage you to provide as much honest feedback as you’d like, and hope that this can be an open forum for sharing experiences and perspectives.